Schweizer Produktion
Hochwertige Produkte direkt aus der Schweiz.
3K Vegan Premium Protein
Success with vegan premium protein
If you are looking for a high-quality protein source that is also vegan, then you have come to the right place! Our vegan premium protein is based on vegetable proteins and is free of animal ingredients. So you can be sure that you are not only consuming high-quality protein, but also maintaining your animal-friendly lifestyle.
But not only that, our vegan premium protein is also gluten-free, lactose-free and no added sugar. This makes it particularly suitable for people with special nutritional needs or allergies. By avoiding animal ingredients and using plant proteins, it is also more environmentally friendly than other protein sources!
Our Vegan Premium Protein contains all the important amino acids you need for a balanced diet. It is perfect as a supplement to your diet to meet your daily protein needs.
Configured by you and manufactured especially for you in Switzerland. Available in many different flavors.
Versand: 1 bis 3 Arbeitstage
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