Sport and hormonal balance: A complex relationship

August 13, Mitarbeiter

Sport and hormonal balance: A complex relationship

The hormone balance plays a crucial role in our body and influences numerous functions. Sport, in turn, has a strong influence on hormone balance and can have both positive and negative effects. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the complex relationship between exercise and hormone balance.

Endorphins: The happy hormones

When we exercise, endorphins are released. These hormones are often referred to as the 'happy hormones' as they produce positive feelings such as euphoria and happiness. Endorphins can reduce stress and increase general well-being.

Cortisol: The stress hormone

On the other hand, however, intense exercise can increase the release of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol is produced by the body in response to stress and when produced in excess can have negative effects such as muscle wasting and a weakened immune system.

Testosterone: The male sex hormone

Regular exercise can increase the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Testosterone is important for muscle building and regeneration. It can also improve confidence and mood. In women, testosterone also plays a role, but in smaller amounts.

Estrogen: The female sex hormone

In women, intense exercise can affect hormonal balance, especially estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels can affect the menstrual cycle and bone density. It is important that women who exercise intensively eat a balanced diet to correct possible hormonal imbalances.

Exercise and the thyroid

The thyroid is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism. Regular exercise can improve thyroid function and boost metabolism. However, excessive exercise can also lead to an overactive thyroid, which can have negative effects.


The relationship between exercise and hormone balance is extremely complex. Sport can have both positive and negative effects on hormone balance. It is important to exercise in moderation and to pay attention to the needs of your own body. If you exercise intensively, it is advisable to have regular medical examinations in order to identify and treat possible hormonal imbalances at an early stage.

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