Creatine and milk - what to consider

August 13, Mitarbeiter

Creatine and milk - what to consider

For many athletes and fitness enthusiasts, creatine is a popular dietary supplement that can help increase physical performance. But what about when you combine creatine with milk? Here you can find out what you should consider.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in small amounts in meat and fish. It is also produced in the human body and plays an important role in supplying energy to the muscles.

As a dietary supplement, creatine is often offered in the form of creatine monohydrate. It can improve muscle strength and endurance and aid in muscle building.

The effects of creatine and milk

Combining creatine with milk can affect how the body absorbs creatine. Milk contains proteins, particularly casein, that can slow down the digestion and absorption of creatine.

Some studies suggest that combining creatine with carbohydrates may improve absorption because carbohydrates increase insulin release, thereby aiding in the uptake of creatine into muscle cells.

What to consider

If you take creatine and drink milk at the same time, you should consider the following points:

  • Timing: It is recommended to take creatine before or after exercise. If you drink milk, it's best to do so at a different time of the day.
  • Amount: The amount of milk can affect the absorption of creatine. It is recommended that creatine be taken with adequate fluids, but milk should not be consumed in large quantities.
  • Alternatives: If you are concerned that milk will affect the effects of creatine, you can also use other liquids such as water or fruit juice.


The combination of creatine and milk can affect the absorption of creatine into the body. It is recommended that creatine be taken with adequate fluids, but milk should be consumed in moderation. If you have concerns, you can also use other liquids. It is best to take creatine before or after exercise and drink milk at a different time of the day.

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