Dietary supplements for seniors: What to consider

August 13, Mitarbeiter

Dietary supplements for seniors: What to consider

In old age, it is particularly important to pay attention to a balanced diet. But sometimes normal food is not enough to get all the important nutrients. For this reason, many seniors turn to dietary supplements. But what should be considered when taking dietary supplements for seniors?

1. Consult your doctor

Before you start taking any dietary supplements, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Your doctor can tell you what nutrients you may need and what dosage is appropriate for you. In addition, he can also give you recommendations on which brands or products are most suitable.

2. Pay attention to quality

When choosing dietary supplements, you should pay attention to quality. It is important that the products come from trusted manufacturers and are manufactured in accordance with applicable standards. Read the labels carefully and learn about the ingredients.

3. Consider your individual needs

Everyone has different needs when it comes to dietary supplements. Older people often have an increased need for certain nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium. Talk to your doctor about your individual needs and get advice accordingly.

4. Avoid overdosing

It is important to follow the recommended dosage of supplements. Overdosing can lead to undesirable side effects. Read the package leaflet carefully and ask your doctor for advice if you are unsure.

5. Supplement, but do not replace

Dietary supplements can be a useful addition to normal nutrition, but they should never replace a balanced diet. Try to meet your nutritional needs primarily through a healthy and varied diet and only use supplements when needed.


Dietary supplements can be a useful support for seniors to meet their nutritional needs. However, it is important to keep the above points in mind to ensure safe and effective use. Always consult your doctor before starting any dietary supplement and pay attention to quality, individual needs, dosage and a balanced diet.

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